A site-specific theater event about long-distance friendship, performed up close. Drawing from actual emails, chat transcripts, and text messages, We Were Nothing! is an intimate theater experience about two childhood friends staying connected and losing touch.
What Critics are saying about We Were Nothing! …..
"The specificity and the nuances of female friendship that are explored in this play are astounding, making the characters truly believable and authentic. The tension that the two actresses embody makes it feel as though you are really watching a friendship on the brink of ruin." - Stagebuddy
click here to read the full review
"We Were Nothing! pulls at something universal. It is a simple story of friendship and growth that hits you like the winter air – though you’ve felt it before, it still stings." - Show Business
Click here to read the full review
Radio Station
Take a listen to our interview with the Radio station Go See A Show!
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What Audiences are saying about We Were Nothing! …
“One word: devastating. This show really tapped into some deep anxieties I think we all share to some degree about friendship, loyalty, the passage of time, and constantly changing methods of communication in what can be an increasingly disorienting world.”
“I thought the show was a beautiful (and rare) exploration of female friendship. Theatrical, magical, and fun, with an emotionally raw underbelly.”
“What felt strange was balanced by what felt very familiar, creating a creeping sense of witnessing something that was beyond natural, but rather True."